Odette Hollows
🌕︎ Nun Errant 🌕︎
🌓︎ Grave Friend 🌓︎
🌑︎ Lover's Secret Keeper 🌑︎

“When people get a glimpse of me I’d like them to feel like it is a good omen.” - Jenny Slate, Little Weirds

"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known." -- Chuck Palahniuk
After a tumultuous childhood struggling to live on the streets of Ul’dah, Odette spent her adolescence in the care of nuns. Shrouded from the rest of the world beneath the thinning crown of the northern Twelveswood and raised with abundant love and affection by Menphina’s ethereal moonbeams.Now, with her vows freshly made, Odette enters the world a well-meaning if naive young woman on this, her most Holy mission: To spread Menphina’s joyous love to each corner of the globe, to ensure that things both big and small, living and dead know Her divine embrace.
Dressed in well-worn and modest clothing, this young cleric cuts a darling and plump figure as she bustles about. Hair of spun moonlight is cropped just past her jaw, an iridescent sheen casts colors with each dip of her head. Blessed with a cherubic face that is prone to smiling with rounded and blushing cheeks and the bump of a second chin.
How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand...?

Frequent Haunts
"-- a strange lover of the dead." -- Anne Sexton
🌘︎ Menphina’s Acolyte -- A nun of Menphina, Odette was raised in a small convent cradled in the boughs of the Shroud. She is eager to meet other devoted followers of the Twelve and other faiths, curious about the nature of faith and how it weaves through a life.🌘︎ Nun Errant -- The nature of Odette’s vows brings her out into the greater world. She is a common and cheery sight in cities throughout Eorzea and much of the wilderness. Often seeking others traveling in the same direction. Safety in numbers!🌘︎ Pick Pocket -- Once a pickpocket of no small skill, Odette swears she is ‘Fully Reformed.’ The stolen trinkets she’s collected in recent turns would disagree.🌘︎ One Foot in the Grave -- Despite the welcoming nature of her personality something about this young woman feels unsettling. A chill radiates from her rather than the warmth of a living soul and her breathing feels off; ill-paced. Those familiar with Death and Her ilk will detect that Odette stands with her feet planted in two worlds.🌘︎ Grave Concerns -- Moths both herald Odette’s arrival and follow in her wake. They are not quite right, often far from their natural habitats. Any who walk a similar path can tell they were once living spoken and now, in death, flock to Odette like light. She aids them as she can.

OOC & Contact
"-- what then? Will you go on loving, nor not?"
Hello, I’m Pigeon!I’m 30+ and I live in the CT timezone. I am a slow writer! It takes me time to write and post, so patience is a must. I prefer in-game RP because I tend to out-of-sight-out-of-mind discord RPs.I will only RP with players and characters who are 21+.I also have no interest in RPing if you use terms like f#ta, F+, tr#p.